Tag: best luxury apartments in San Antonio

Increasing Productivity When Working From Home

Dedicate a working space

Working from your bed might seem like a dream come true when it comes to being able to work from home, but to tell you the truth, it’s only going to keep you from your highest level of productivity. We wish it wasn’t true, either! Instead, create a dedicated working space that will keep your mind free of distractions, whether it’s a home office, a simple desk in the corner of the room, or even the dining room table or bar, depending on your space options. As long as it’s an area that you know won’t be tempting you to take a snooze, get caught in a Netflix binge, or get distracted by any other vices, you’re on the right track.

Implement quiet hours into your daily schedule

If this is your first time hearing the term “quiet hours'' while working, you’re in for a true treat when it comes to maximizing productivity - especially when working from home. Quiet hours are exactly what they sound like; scheduled time throughout your workday with no distractions and no interruptions. This means: turn off the TV, silence your phone (or even put it in a separate room), don’t schedule meetings, and turn your Microsoft Teams/Slack/Google/whatever-your-company-uses-to-communicate status to ‘away.’ This separation, even if it’s only for an hour or two out of your workday helps to eliminate all distractions and put your mind in a place of focus that it otherwise couldn’t reach, even if you don’t realize you’re being distracted in the moment.

Keep a schedule

So many are tempted by the flexibility of working from home due to the ability to, oftentimes, work on your own time, in your own chosen environment. While this is certainly a perk of the WFH lifestyle, it can cause a decline in personal productivity if you don’t have a set schedule in place to keep yourself on track. This is a level of self-discipline that can be tricky for those who aren’t used to working with this much freedom (gone are the days of micromanaging office managers!), but with the proper implementation, can increase your productivity in ways you never thought possible, and sometimes, in even less time than before.

Declutter your space

We already discussed having a designated working space in your home, but having a separate area in itself isn’t going to be enough to improve your productivity if that area is full of distractions and clutter. There’s a reason that minimalism is rising in popularity each day, and when it comes to working from home, it’s even better. While it’s important to personalize your space to make yourself comfortable, covering your desk or table with unnecessary items, leaving behind trash and dishes, and not having dedicated areas for important work documents and other items are going to keep you from being your most productive self.

Incorporate breaks to prevent burnout

PSA: increasing your productivity does NOT mean overworking yourself and getting burnt out!

In fact, it should mean the exact opposite. Working an 8, 9, or 10+ hour day with no breaks is one of the least effective ways to remain productive, and one of the best ways to get burnt out on your job, which is exactly what this list is trying to prevent! Even if it’s only 5-10 minutes, it’s important to allow yourself to take time throughout your day to take a step back from the screen or the papers, refresh your mind, and come back recharged. This allows you to increase not only your productivity but your creativity as well, to ensure the work you’re producing is truly your best.


Looking for more tips on crafting the perfect work-from-home lifestyle? Check out some of our other blogs:


For more recommendations on resident life, and for finding your ideal home at one of our RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.


Fall Apartment Cleaning Checklist

Seasonal cleaning doesn’t have to be the stressor many think it is! We hope these tips will keep your regimen in check this fall season.

Turn Mattresses

It’s a good idea to turn your mattress front to back a few times a year. While you’ve got the sheets off and are in the process of moving your mattress around anyways, another tip for the cleanest and most comfortable mattresses is to sprinkle baking soda across your mattress. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and vacuum it up when you’re done. This helps remove any lingering odors from your mattress, and will increase its life substantially.

Baseboards + Fans

Use a damp rag or towel to wipe down your baseboards and ceiling fans, as they are the 2 top dust collectors in your home that are not usually considered a part of a regular cleaning rotation. Even if you don’t think they look dusty or dirty, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to see a difference when you’re done. It’s the little things that really help to spruce up your apartment. 

Wash Holiday or Seasonal Dishes

Whether you’re hosting during the holidays or are just swapping out your typical dishes for some seasonal fun, be sure and give them a good wash. Though it can be tempting to believe your dishes are still clean from when you washed and packed them away last season, don’t let a lack of dust or grime deceive you - wash those dishes, and thank us later.

Wash Bedding

This is especially true if you are expecting any holiday guests, but even if you’re planning on spending the holidays solo, the changing of seasons is a great opportunity to freshen up all of your bedding, and pillows - yes, the actual pillows, not just the pillowcases this time. This goes for any couch or decorative pillows around your apartment as well.

Clean Storage Containers

As tempting as it can be to throw your storage containers back into storage after a long day of putting up holiday or seasonal decorations, don’t do it! Rinse out and wipe down your containers to keep them fresh, and avoid any buildups of dust, dirt, or other grime. Bonus: it helps keep bugs away longer. No one likes opening up containers that have been sitting for a year and finding dead spiders and other bugs in the bottom of your precious decor.

Plant Love

As we move into the colder months, be sure to keep your plants in check. Avoid keeping plants next to drafty windows that could result in a cold shock, and be sure and give them a little extra fertilizer to make up for the lack of sunshine. You might even consider purchasing a grow light to help keep your plants warm, and supplement that missing Vitamin D. 

 If you’re looking for more recommendations on cleaning tips, check out some of our past blogs for more inspiration.

Don’t forget, if you want to shop our RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.

How to Create the Perfect Home Office

The perfect home office means something different to everyone, but we have a few recommendations that will improve any home office, no matter your style.

Find natural light

No matter if you’re someone who spends 8+ hours a day in your home office, or simply uses it on occasion, the right lighting is a necessity for creating the perfect home office. Natural light allows your body to know what time it is and keep your regular pattern on track. Additionally, natural lighting causes far less strain on your eyes, which will allow you to work more efficiently without getting headaches or damaging your vision - especially if you’re looking at screens all day. 

Invest in ergonomic furniture

While it may not seem like something you need, believe us - your future body will thank you a million times over for choosing ergonomic furniture for your home office. Allowing your spine, hips, and neck some support while sitting for long periods of time will drastically improve any pain you could be experiencing, your posture, and the longevity of your spine. Not to mention, they’re way more comfortable to sit in than some cute, cheap chair you found at a garage sale (no shade, just the truth).

Add personal touches

Photos, decorations, plants - anything that brings you happiness and motivation throughout your day is a great way to boost your productivity. Creating a space you feel comfortable in is one of the best ways to find yourself enjoying your work more, and getting more done throughout the day. 

Choose colors that bring you joy

The colors we surround ourselves with have a direct impact on our mood, productivity, and motivation. Lighter, airier, natural colors are some of the best ways to subtly incorporate mood and productivity boosters into your home office. Easily incorporate your favorite mood-boosting colors in your decor and furniture, and don’t be afraid to change those colors with the seasons. 

Find ways to stay organized

We cannot stress this enough - clutter is the antithesis of productivity. Clutter produces anxiety and stress in many people simply because there is too much going. It causes distraction and makes it difficult to focus and/or relax. Keep your desk, drawers, floors, etc. in your home office organized to increase productivity. 

Pro tip: always organize your desk at the end of the day, so you have a fresh start the next morning! Believe us when we say this works wonders. 

If you’d like a few more tips and recommendations to perfect your home office, check out some of our other blogs!

As always, if you’re looking to live in one of our luxury apartments, you can always shop RPM communities across the US by checking out our Communities page.

Get The Most Out Of Your Apartment

Knowing how to get the best experience out of your apartment may seem easy, but many people look back on their time living in their apartment homes and think, “Why didn’t I do more?” We’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Personalize your space

No matter the current design trends or what you see online, your apartment is YOURS, and yours alone, and your decorative style should reflect that. Choose furniture, decorations, and other items for your space that are a direct reflection of your personality, not just what you saw someone do on HGTV. Lucky for you, we have an entire blog dedicated to doing just this! Check out How to Personalize Your Space.

Use those community amenities

There’s a reason that your apartment’s community amenities caught your eye during your apartment search, so take advantage of them. Whether it’s regular visits to the gym, pool, tanning salon, or coffee bar, or even spending time in your resident clubhouse to watch the big game or your favorite TV show on a Wednesday night, your apartment’s community amenities are there for YOU to use.

Use your space wisely

No matter if you’re kicking it solo in a studio, or sharing a 3-bedroom apartment with friends or family, knowing how to use the space you have is something that can take a little practice! Identify the areas of your apartment that you will spend the most time in, and begin there. For example: don’t dedicate time, money, and energy into decorating your home office if it’s only going to be used a few times a year. On the flip side, don’t skimp on your home office if you plan on using it frequently. 

Psst - we’ve got a blog about that, too! Read Apartment Must-Haves For Creating a Home Office for more inspiration!

Spend time at home 

So many of us are spending significantly more time at home due to the increase in remote work. When you work from home, it can be challenging to want to spend more time in your home. We recommend separating your work space from your personal space to really get the most out of your apartment and enjoy your down-time to the fullest.

Whether you’re in the mood for some alone time or want to entertain friends or family, plan to cook a nice dinner, have a baking night, movie night, any night that suits your fancy. As long as it gives you the opportunity to appreciate and love your space, you’re doing it right. 

Not in the mood for entertaining? Your apartment is there for you to de-stress and recharge. Check out our 5 Self-Care Tips To Reduce Your Stress right at home.  

Perfect your living area

Even if you wouldn’t say the living room is where you spend the bulk of your time in your apartment, it is one of the rooms you will see the most day in and day out, regardless of your living habits. Perfecting your living area will ensure that the first sight you see when you walk in after a long day is something you enjoy, not a space that stresses you out.

If you’re needing some inspiration on decorating your living room, don’t worry: we’ve got some ideas. Take a look at Interior Design Ideas For Apartment Living Rooms to get a few ideas for your own apartment!

For more inspiration on how to make the most out of your apartment, check out some of our past blogs for tips!

For more recommendations on resident life, and for finding your ideal home at one of our RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.

Upcoming Spooky Activities In Austin

One of the best parts about spooky season is all of the fun local events you can enjoy with friends, family, or even solo! Here’s a few of our recommendations for upcoming spooky activities near our luxury apartments in Austin.

Happy Hour Halloweekend Pub Crawl

October 21, 1-8PM

Coyote Ugly Saloon

Looking to dress up and grab some drinks with folks who are just as spookily-inclined as you are? The Halloweekend Pub Crawl at Coyote Ugly is the place to be! Take advantage of entry into some of the best bars in Austin and exclusive drink specials just for crawlers! While costumes are not required, they are encouraged to embrace the spooky season right!

BARKtacular HOWLoween Dog Fest

October 22, 8-10AM

Round Rock Dog Depot

You didn’t think we’d leave your spooky furry friends off the list, did you? Bring your (leashed) pups, friends, and family alike to the 3rd annual Barktacular Howloween Dog Fest in Round Round, Tx, just a short drive from our apartments in Austin. Your pup will get the opportunity to go trick-or-treating, enter in a costume contest, and a lookalike contest! There will be all kinds of vendors attending for you to shop, eat, and drink while your four legged friends embrace their spookiest desires. Only $5 per dog, so be sure and register ahead!

Spooky Sprint

October 22, 3-5PM

Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park

Want to get your heart rate up this spooky season? Be sure to mark your calendar for Austin’s Spooky Sprint, held at Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park! Bring the whole family and receive not only the satisfaction of completing this spooky race, but also a t-shirt and custom medal! Costumes are encouraged, but not required. Be sure and sign up in advance for their in-person or virtual race options!

Spooky Silent Disco Party

October 28, 10PM-2AM

The Belmont

On the lookout for some pre-Halloween fun? Visit the Belmont on October 28 for their spooky silent disco! Enjoy hundreds of party goers costumes, the chance to dance the night away with your best buds, and drink specials all night long. With 3 different DJ channels, wireless headphones, and the chance to talk as much as you want without having to shout over loud music all while embracing the spooky season is something you won’t want to miss! Be sure and buy your tickets in advance for easy access. 

Halloween Drag Bingo Brunch

October 30, 1-3PM

Fairmont Austin

Embrace the Halloween season while overlooking the Austin skyline, enjoying a specialty spooky-themed brunch menu and cocktails, and the chance to win big at bingo with your favorite Extragram drag queens. There will, of course, be a costume contest as well with the chance to win some glamorous prizes, so be sure to dress in your Halloween best! 


With so much spooky fun coming up near our apartments in Austin, TX, be sure to mark your calendars to get it all in!

As always, if you’re looking to live in one of our luxury apartments, you can always shop RPM communities across the US by checking out our Communities page.

Fall Decor Ideas For Your Luxury Apartment in Houston, TX

If you’re looking for a fall decor design that is less kitsch, and more stylish, this is the place to be. Keep reading for some of our favorite fall decor items that will add a touch of elegance to your luxury apartment in Houston, TX.

Leaf Wreaths

No matter if you decide to take the DIY route or simply head to Target to buy one premade, leaf wreaths are a tasteful way to let everyone know that fall has entered your home. While many opt for the standard door hanging wreaths, don’t limit yourself to just one location! Mantles, shelves, and event countertops are all great places to incorporate this simple, elegant fall staple that everyone should include in their fall decor. 

Wheat Centerpieces

There is a simple elegance to incorporating wheat into your fall (or even your everyday) decor, but it’s one that we love no matter what! The best part about this simple decor is that you can have as much or as little as you desire, and you can choose to display it in any manner of your choosing. Vases and containers that match the color scheme of your fall decor, empty wine bottles, or even a simple clear vase are all tasteful options to add into your fall rotation.

Mini Pumpkins and Gourds

Bonus points if you opt for the real deal! The best part about pumpkins and gourds is that you can find them in any size, shape, variation, or color you could need to incorporate into your fall decor. Simply casting a few here and there around your apartment will add a level of natural coziness that’s sure to make any fall-lover swoon.

Seasonal Plants

Embrace the natural fall vibes by incorporating some orange and yellow foliage into your decor! This is another choice where you can opt for the faux option or the real deal, but either way will take your apartment to the next level! Mums and dahlias are a great place to start if you don’t consider yourself the green-thumb type. 

Taper Candles

The best part of incorporating taper candles into your fall decor is the flexibility they pose for your vision! No matter if you choose colored, white, scented or plain, staked or contained - you hold the power. There’s just something about having different sized tapered candles surrounded by the ambiance of fall-centered decor and color scheme that provides an unmatched level of coziness to any home.

Knit Blankets

Even if the temperatures haven’t dropped to tremendously cold levels yet, knit blankets are one of the coziest ways to let fall into your space without inviting clutter into your home as well. Depending on the color scheme of your decor, taupe, champagne, orange, yellow, or brown are all staple colors to be included with your fall decor to add a sense of home to your apartment. 


We’d love to see how your fall decor in your Houston, TX apartment turns out this season! Let us know in the comments what else you think should be included as a fall decor staple or tag us in your social posts to show off your beautifully decorated home!

For more recommendations on Houston life, and for finding your ideal home at one of our RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.

5 Self-Care Tips To Reduce Your Stress

You may have heard the term “self-care isn’t selfish” from any number of platforms, events, or postings, and we want to emphasize that. Here’s a list of 5 ways you can incorporate self-care into your daily routine and work to eliminate unnecessary stress.



Whether you decide to make meditation a part of your daily routine, or use it as a resource when you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s a great way to regain your headspace and composure. Meditation aids in relaxing you by encouraging mindfulness through focus and breathing exercises. If you’re new to meditation and are looking for a place to start, we recommend apps like Calm and Headspace.


Spend time outside

Our bodies naturally crave sunlight and clean air, so taking a few minutes to step outside can be a great way to calm yourself in those moments of stress. Focusing on your breathing and your 5 senses when outdoors is a great technique to ground yourself and release tension to get you back in the right headspace to continue your daily activities. 


Get organized

Lack of organization, whether it be your home, office, or even your agenda, can cause unnecessary added stress to your day to day life. Take time to ensure your space, as well as your mind, is organized and well maintained. As they say, a cluttered desk equals a cluttered mind. By regaining that control, your mind will realize a new level of comfort and confidence as you continue on in your daily activities.


Snuggle your pet

There’s a reason animal therapy has grown so popular in recent years, and it’s because it really does work. Engaging the part of your brain that produces dopamine and serotonin when petting, playing with, or even being in the same room as an animal, can cause a significant decrease in your stress levels. Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to focus on spending time with your dog, cat, or any other animal in your life that brings you joy.


Be sure you’re getting enough sleep

Even though we can’t always stop what we’re doing to get some rest, working to incorporate an adequate sleep schedule into your daily routine will work wonders for your stress management. Knowing the healthiest amount of sleep for your age group, and finding ways to implement and maintain it throughout your daily routine will keep your mind and body fresh enough to handle any challenge that comes your way.


That’s it for our self-care tips to reduce stress. As always, if you’re looking to live in a community that makes it easy to practice self-care, you can always shop RPM communities across the US by checking out our Communities page.

5 New Book Recommendations for 2022

For many of us, summer is a great time to enjoy some peaceful reading, whether it’s while enjoying the summer weather, or avoiding the heat at our luxury apartments in Austin. Here are 5 new books to look forward to reading this summer, no matter where you choose to relax!


The Children on the Hill

If you are looking for a suspenseful read, look no further than bestselling author Jennifer McMahon’s newest novel, The Children on the Hill. Directly inspired from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the story follows two children, Vi and Eric, who live near a private psychiatric unit in New England. When their grandmother brings in a new child, Iris, the children begin to explore the world of monsters, both real and imagined. As the story shifts back and forth in time through the perspective of Vi as a child and as an adult, the world of real life monsters comes alive. 


Something Wilder

Bestselling romance author Christina Lauren’s newest novel Something Wilder follows the story of Lily Wilder, the daughter of a treasure hunter who, as an adult, makes her living off of scamming tourists on fake treasure hunts. When her old flame Leo returns to town, all he wants is to reconnect with Lily, and all she wants is to take him on one of her “treasure” trails, and leave him behind. After the trip backfires - for everyone involved - Leo and Lily must confront their past love in the hopes of saving their futures. 



The perfect mixture of love and suspense is found in Nora Roberts’ newest novel, Nightwork. Harry, a lifelong master thief, falls in love with Miranda, who is not as criminally apt as he is. After his past demons come to his present, Harry leaves Miranda in order to keep her safe. But, as life would have it, Harry and Miranda’s connection is too strong to keep them apart, and Harry must find a way to confront his demons in order to avoid losing Miranda forever.


The 6:20 Man

Travis Devine is your typical entry-level analyst at Manhattan’s most prestigious investment firm. That is, until he discovers that his ex-girlfriend is dead in one of the storage closets in his office building - and he’s next. David Baldacci’s The 6:20 Man follows Travis’ investigation into the lives of the uber-glamorous, that he had previously only experienced through the window of his train seat each day, in order to discover who killed Sara, and to keep himself from being their next target.


Book of Night

Holly Black’s adult novel debut is the fantasy book of the summer, no doubt. The story follows Charlie Hall, who is trying to move her life away from her past of aiding evil magicians called gloamists. As she attempts to start a new, magic-free life for herself, she realizes getting out of this business will not be so easy. Add Book of Night to your reading list if you are looking for something new in fantasy to kick off your summer reading!


Let us know what your favorite reads are this summer from your luxury apartment in Austin!

Don’t forget, if you want to shop our luxury apartments in Austin and other RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.


How to Lower Your North Austin Luxury Apartment Energy Bill

Are you looking for ways to save money (and the environment) in your North Austin luxury apartment? Check out our tips below on how to lower your ever-growing energy bill. 


Unplug your appliances

When not in use, unplugging appliances such as toasters, toaster ovens, coffee makers, etc. is one of the easiest ways to prevent wasted energy from racking up your bills each month. Only plugging them in when you use it is also going to prevent outlet overuse in your apartment, and will keep you from having to spend money on maintenance later on down the road.


Eco-friendly lightbulbs

Using eco-friendly lightbulbs in your lamps and light fixtures will help to reduce the amount of energy being used throughout your day, and can help reduce your carbon footprint as well! In addition to eco-friendly bulbs, turning off lights when you leave the room, or leaving your lights on timers during the day and evening is another way to reduce unnecessary light energy in your apartment.


Cool naturally

Closing blinds and curtains during the peak heat hours of the day and leaving windows open on cool evenings and nights are great ways to naturally cool down your apartment without having to run your A/C unit. 


Seal windows and doors

Drafty windows and doors, while they may not seem like a big deal, can cause multiple degree differences in your apartment temperatures, causing your HVAC to run more than it needs to in order to heat or cool your apartment to a comfortable temperature. Resealing your doors and windows, or even keeping a blanket in front of those drafty areas will cause you to see a drop in your energy bills every month!


Limit hot water usage

Hot showers, baths, as well as dishwasher and laundry loads can cause your energy bills to rise. That’s why being aware of your hot water usage and trying to limit it as much as possible can cause a huge decrease in your energy bills each month! Being mindful of the size of your dishwasher and laundry loads, and not running them when they are barely full, is a great way to make a subtle change to your day to day activity, and lower your bill at the same time.


That’s all for our list of ways to lower your energy bill in our North Austin luxury apartments!

If you found this post useful or interesting, we encourage you to share it with your friends and colleagues! If you want to find your ideal home at one of our RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.

Tips for Moving to Your Apartment In Dallas, TX

Moving to a new city is exciting, but it can also cause some anxiety if you are not familiar with the area. Here are some tips if you are planning to move to one of our apartments in Dallas, TX



There’s no denying that Dallas is a large and very densely populated city, and the traffic is a great reflection of that fact. When relocating to Dallas, many people underestimate the difference in traffic patterns from their previous city - don’t let that be you! 


If you choose to drive, as most Texans do, always account for a little extra driving time. Dallas roads have been constructed to carry a high-volume of cars, so traffic-jams are frequent. Plan accordingly by checking your map apps before heading out to see how long it will take you to get to your destination. If you prefer to use public transportation instead, take advantage of the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), which provides rail and bus services. 


Restaurant and bar scene

If you’re wondering if Dallas can keep up with your love for food and entertainment, spoiler alert, it can. Restaurant life is HUGE in Dallas, and there is something for everyone! We encourage you to venture out of your comfort zone when trying to find your new favorite eateries in the city. In Dallas, there is no shortage of food festivals either, so take advantage of what your new city has to offer!


Dallas is also well-known for bars & nightlife. Whether you’re looking for a bar and grill, cocktail bar, speakeasy, nightclub, or anything in between - the sky's the limit when it comes to Dallas nightlife.


Arts and culture

Dallas’ arts and culture scene is known to rival even the likes of New York City with its impressive display of the arts. Museums and music halls, galleries and concert venues - Dallas certainly does not lack in arts and culture displays! The Dallas Museum of Art, Nasher Sculpture Center, The Echo Hall and Music Lounge, and Reveler’s Hall are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to a list of artistic venues worth visiting in Dallas!


Weather and climate

If you’re moving to Dallas, especially if it’s from somewhere typically unfamiliar with hot temps, be sure to educate yourself quickly! The summertime heat in Dallas is no joke. You and your pets will want to stay hydrated and try to avoid strenuous outdoor activities during the afternoon. Enjoy some exercise with your pup early in the morning or once the sun starts to go down. Pups get hot too, so make sure their feet are protected when walking on paved paths and concrete. Even though it’s hot in Dallas, the heat brings plenty of opportunities to enjoy pool days or an air-conditioned stroll through a museum.


Acquire a love for Tex-Mex

If you are new to Texas, get ready to love Tex-Mex. In Dallas, we love our twist on traditional Mexican cuisine, and it is everywhere! If you’re learning to love Tex-Mex, find a staple dish to get acquainted with Tex-Mex. If you’re not entirely sure where to start, we’d recommend the enchiladas con carne. Play around with customizing your Tex-Mex favorites, and run with it. We promise you won’t be disappointed. 


Visit the State Fair of Texas

Whether you’re a lover of State Fair food and culture, or you’ve never been, the State Fair of Texas is an experience that EVERY Dallas resident should have. Deep-fried bacon cheeseburgers and fried flan cakes are just the beginning of the delicacies that the State Fair of Texas has to offer! Don’t forget to say “howdy” to Big Tex while you're there and grab a Fletcher’s corny dog for the road. 


Good luck on your move to your apartment in Dallas! For more recommendations on Dallas life, and for finding your ideal home at one of our RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.