Color Therapy and How To Incorporate It Into Your Apartments
It’s no secret that different colors can instill different emotional and mental states in those with the ability to see them, and people have been taking advantage of that fact in home decor for many years. Although the science behind this phenomenon is still lagging, there is early evidence to corroborate what people have been experimenting with for ages, leading to concepts like Color Therapy. This theory suggests that color can be used strategically to regulate mood as you move through your environment. And there are many ways you can incorporate Color Therapy concepts into your apartment.
As we discuss these tips, it’s worth keeping in mind that how color influences our mental and emotional state can vary from person to person based on factors like cultural significance, biological factors, and personal experience. We’ll discuss some broadly applicable ideas, but it’s up to the individual to explore what colors make them feel best in each context.
Add Some Blue To Your Home Office
Judging by the number of blue light canceling lenses on the market, most people know by now that blue light influences your circadian rhythm, sending signals to your body that it’s time to be awake. Simultaneously, many associate blue tones with calm and tranquility. These factors combined make blue a great choice for home office decor, or anywhere you want to feel alert while also reducing stress. Consider blue throw pillows, artwork, or even computer gear like your mouse, keyboard, and speakers.
Add Warm Tones To the Bedroom
On the opposite end of the light spectrum, red light and other warm tones can help your body realize that it’s time to wind down and relax. However, colors like red, orange, and yellow are also sometimes associated with energy, vigor, or even anger. Finding a warm-toned color that avoids these connotations can help you inject relaxing vibes into rooms where rest is a priority, so consider pink bed linens, burnt orange wall art, or even a warm-toned beige or gray for your bedroom furniture.
Use Energizing Colors in Social Spaces
Many colors can signal energy, so this is based on personal preference. In general, though, lighter and more saturated colors tend to be perceived as the most energizing options. Consider incorporating these hues into your living room and dining room decor through throw pillows, rugs, tablecloths, wall art, and so on.
Use Greens and Earth Tones For a Natural Vibe
It’s little wonder that greens and browns remind us of nature—specifically the types of nature we tend to find most rejuvenating and hospitable, like forests, meadows, and gardens. Adding some of that life-giving vibe to your apartment can be as simple as incorporating earth tones and rich natural greens to your decor. For bonus points, add these colors in the form of actual plants, which can have additional benefits for your mood and your health.
That’s it for our color therapy tips! We hope you found this post informative and helpful! If you want to shop our apartments and other RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.