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The Best Plants For Your Luxury Apartment in Texas

Since we are a regional property management company in Houston, TX, and other Texas hubs like Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas, we get a lot of residents who are first-time gardeners looking for low-hassle houseplants that can stand up to hot summers and variable humidity. If you live in one of our luxury apartments in Midtown Houston, North Austin, Downtown San Antonio, or really anywhere else in Texas, these beginner-friendly houseplants are great options for your Texas apartment.

Spider Plant

Spider plants bear lots of skinny, ribbon-like leaves that will make your apartment feel like a place of abundance, without the need for a lot of light. Its arcing green leaves look great in a hanging planter or on a tabletop, and its roots can handle being a little crowded, so you don’t need a huge pot to accommodate them. Spider plants do need to be watered a little more often than some other plants on this list, though—around once a week for best results. It’s not the end of the world if you’re a little late with watering, this plant will tolerate a belated watering every so often.

Snake Plant

A snake plant sprouts several stiff, ribbon-like leaves that grow upward with a variegated pattern akin to reptilian scales, which is how the plant gets its name. This hardy indoor plant can survive in any light, including low light, and does not need frequent watering, nor does it require pruning. Bear in mind that very low light conditions may reduce the colorful variegation on its leaves; nevertheless, this plant provides a vibrant addition to any room.

ZZ Plant

If you’d prefer a fern-like plant, the ZZ plant is a perfect choice. Yielding waxy green leaves across a number of stalks, the ZZ plant also tolerates low light and infrequent watering. It’s a resilient little plant that can spring back to life even after some neglect. Don’t worry if it drops some leaves while you’ve been a less-than-perfect gardener. Just water it as normal and it should be revitalized before too long.


Pothos plants are another popular low-light option for apartments. In fact, pothos plants don’t do well in direct sunlight, so they’re well-suited to an indoor environment. Their trailing, ivy-like vines bear spade-shaped leaves that can be variegated with white or silver, depending on the variety (though plants variegated in this way usually need a bit more sunlight than their all-green counterparts). They won’t naturally cling to walls or trellises like ivy, but their vines can grow very long if left unpruned.


Finally, the obvious choice: succulents. Succulents have become very popular lately due to their need for infrequent watering and ability to thrive in minimal space. They come in a variety of colors and shapes, and all of them do best in partial to bright light (typically, the more light, the better). Make sure they’ve got a spot by the window or can spend most of the day under bright artificial light if natural light is unavailable.

That’s it for our Texas-friendly houseplant suggestions! We hope you found this post informative and helpful! If you want to shop our luxury apartments in Midtown, Houston and other RPM communities across the US, check out our Communities page.